IV Year –I Semester
Course Objectives:
From the course the student will learn
Translate user requirements into the overall architecture and implementation of new systems and Manage Project and coordinate with the Client
Writing optimized front end code HTML and JavaScript
Monitor the performance of web applications & infrastructure and Troubleshooting web application with a fast and accurate a resolution
Design and implementation of Robust and Scalable Front End Applications
Course Outcomes:
After the completion of the course, student will be able to
Enumerate the Basic Concepts of Web & Markup Languages Develop web Applications using Scripting Languages & Frameworks
Make use of Express JS and Node JS frameworks
Illustrate the uses of web services concepts like restful, react js
Apply Deployment Techniques & Working with cloud platform
Introduction to Web: Internet and World Wide Web, Domain name service, Protocols: HTTP, FTP, SMTP. Html5 concepts, CSS3, Anatomy of a web page. XML: Document type Definition, XML schemas, Document object model, XSLT, DOM and SAX Approaches.
JavaScript: The Basic of JavaScript: Objects, Primitives Operations and Expressions, Control Statements, Arrays, Functions, Constructors, Pattern Matching using Regular Expressions. Angular Java Script Angular JS Expressions: ARRAY, Objects, $eval, Strings, Angular JS Form Validation & Form Submission, Single Page Application development using Angular JS.
Unit-2 JavaScript
Node.js: Introduction, Advantages, Node.js Process Model, Node JS Modules. Express.js: Introduction to Express Framework, Introduction to Nodejs , What is Nodejs, Getting Started with Express, Your first Express App, Express Routing, Implementing MVC in Express, Middleware, Using Template Engines, Error Handling , API Handling , Debugging, Developing Template Engines, Using Process Managers, Security & Deployment.
RESTful Web Services: Using the Uniform Interface, Designing URIs, Web Linking, Conditional Requests. React Js: Welcome to React, Obstacles and Roadblocks, React’s Future, Keeping Up with the Changes, Working with the Files, Pure React, Page Setup, The Virtual DOM, React Elements, ReactDOM, Children, Constructing Elements with Data, React Components, DOM Rendering, Factories.
Mongo DB: Introduction, Architecture, Features, Examples, Database Creation & Collection in Mongo DB. Deploying Applications: Web hosting & Domains, Deployment Using Cloud Platforms
MEAN Stack Technologies Semester Question Paper