II - B. Tech., II-Semester
AR20 - B. Tech. (Common to CSE & All Specializations, ECE, ME, CE)
Course Code: 20ES4009
Course Objectives:
This course is designed to:
Understand the concepts of classes and objects and AWT
Learn classifications of inheritance
Introduce Identifying and rectifying errors using exceptions
Study the basic concepts of Collections
Emphasize the concepts of AWT
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
Understand the object oriented programming concepts
Create simple applications using classes and objects
Develop applications using different types of inheritances
Apply parallel processing applications using threads and simple applications using Collections
Develop GUI applications using AWT
Introduction to OOP, procedural programming language and object oriented language, principles of OOP, applications of OOP, history of java, java features, JVM, program structure. Variables, primitive data types, identifiers, literals, operators, expressions, precedence rules and associativity, primitive type conversion and casting, flow of control.
Classes and objects, class declaration, creating objects, methods, constructors and constructor overloading, garbage collector, importance of static keyword and examples, this keyword, arrays, command line arguments, nested classes
Inheritance, types of inheritance, super keyword, final keyword, overriding and abstract class. Interfaces, creating the packages, using packages, importance of CLASSPATH and java.lang package. Exception handling, importance of try, catch, throw, throws and finally block, user defined exceptions, Assertions
Multithreading: introduction, thread life cycle, creation of threads, thread priorities, thread synchronization, communication between threads. Reading data from files and writing data to files, random access file. Collections: Collections Hierarchy; List - ArrayList, LinkedList; Sets - HashSet, TreeSet, LinkedHashSet; Queue; Maps - HashMap, TreeMap, LinkedHashMap; Iterable, Iterator
Event handling: event delegation model, sources of event, Event Listeners, adapter classes, inner classes. AWT: introduction, components and containers, Button, Label, Checkbox, Radio Buttons, List Boxes, Choice Boxes, Container class, Layouts, Menu and Scrollbar.